Our Solutions.

Solutions to help your business.

Asset Finance
Asset Finance is, by number of transactions, one of the most commonly used types of finance in the market.

Invoice Finance
An Invoice Finance facility provides businesses with access to the funds owed to them in unpaid customer invoices to fund future growth, to manage cashflow pressures or support seasonality.

Business Loans
Business Loans are essentially a sum of money, introduced into a business to support it during a specific life period that can be paid back over a period of time.

Trade Finance
Trade (including Supplier Finance) is a very wide arching product where solutions can be put in place to fund UK and international suppliers.

Security, guarantees or indemnities may be required. Tax reliefs referred to are those applying under current legislation which may change.

Why we do it
I started in Banking in 2005 and banking has changed so much since I started – I loved supporting people and feeling part of their business and their process. The industry has massively changed, it had to but the biggest issues in the market is perception, information, and adaptation to change.
To many, the perception of banking is that it is “Us vs. Them” which is largely incorrect but we now have to accept that banks can’t help every business on every occasion.
We have to help people find what the wider market can offer them as an alternative, give them enough information to make informed decisions while at the same time, help repair and rebuild that confidence in their banking partner.
We believe in fairness, integrity and transparency.
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